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Event Details

3 key takeaways: Grief is a normal reaction to loss. Everyone grieves differently, and there is no timeline. There are no universal stages to grief as it is an individual experience. It is typical, however, for grief to evolve over time, so we must create space to process losses over and over again. The grief journey never ends, but with time and processing the pain lessens, and one can identify ways to go on despite the loss.

1. Outline healthy tasks to aid in moving through one's personal grief journey,

2. Provide recommendations for managing grief during the holidays and

3. Suggest helpful methods for supporting loved ones who are grieving (to include what to say and what NOT to say).

Members Only Ticket

Member Price


  • $40.-

Non-Member Ticket

Standard Price
  • $50.-


Dutch's Daughter
Himes Avenue 581
Frederick, Maryland

See route

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