Deliver donations by December 13th to the VTCRC Administrative Office
1715 Pratt Drive
Suite 1000
Blacksburg, Virginia
"We make a living by what we get," Winston Churchill once said. "[But] we make a life by what we give."
When we give our time and resources to something greater than ourselves, we have the power to change the lives of others and ourselves. The more we support the causes that matter to us, the better our communities can become.
While registration is not necessary to participate in the Angel Tree or Humane Society Program, we thought this would be an ideal place for you to tell us what (nonprofit) you would like to see supported throughout the year.
The Humane Society receives no federal, state, or local government funding.
There are many ways you can support the animal shelter:
Humane Society of Montgomery County
Register your suggestions and ideas for future community support initiatives {Click register button}
Efforts to assist The Salvation Army with their Angel Tree Program is underway.
Benefiting Pulaski, Floyd, Montgomery and Giles counties along with Radford City, these programs provide qualifying children with new toys and/or clothing on Christmas Day.