Event Details

Join us on Tuesday January 28 at 2:30pm (EST) for a discussion on Canada's ODA. Along with the author of the newest iteration of the Canadian ODA Trends report, Brian Tomlinson, others with insights will be joining for a look at the numbers as well as the policy implications. While the main goal of the event is to communicate the key trends uncovered in the report, we will carve out ample time for questions and answers.

As a partnership between AidWatch Canada and Cooperation Canada, the 2024 edition dives into four key areas reflected in four Briefing Notes, i.e. overall trends, changing priorities, tackling poverty, and channels for delivering Canadian ODA. The objective of the report is to provide data, evidence, and analysis on Canadian aid trends to bolster the international cooperation community's advocacy on Canadian ODA.

Please find the Highlights of The 2024 Canadian Aid Trends and the full-length report here.
