This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Oregon State Literacy Association events.

Agenda & Content

8:15 am - 8:30 am - Welcome & Introductions

8:30 am - 11:30 am - Presentation

Layers of Learning: Using Every Book as an Invitation for Students to Learn about Themselves, Others, and the World

JoEllen McCarthy

Our libraries and bookshelves contain the most powerful tools for teaching, but it's not just about what books we use—it's about how we use them. When we connect academic and social and emotional needs, our conversations become richer, and learning becomes more meaningful. This session will focus on using picture books as co-teachers for lessons in reading, writing, and life. By using engaging and diverse books as a springboard, educators can foster kid-centered inclusive conversations about social justice issues, and inspire students to be agents of change.

In this engaging and interactive session, participants will: 

  • Consider discussion possibilities and powerful read alouds that can help nurture our communities with respect for our social, emotional, civic, and intellectual interactions
  • Reflect on powerful picture books (through mentor texts and mentor authors) that celebrate culture, diversity, and honor the lived experiences of all children
  • Explore ideas in texts, including connections to children's own lives, to the lives of characters in the stories, or the creators of those stories; recognizing the need to read with a critical lens, explore concepts around point of view, experiences, and biases that can shape perspectives
  • Explore a framework for choosing and selecting texts that reflect more inclusive classroom libraries, spaces, and places; and demonstrate the ways we can use books as co-teachers for literacy and life lessons
  • Discover an abundance of ideas--beyond book lists--to adopt or adapt immediately that can complement reading and writing workshops, existing units of study, or foster stand-alone lessons that strengthen caring, responsive, and inclusive whole school communities   

11:30 am - 12:00 pm - Announcements, Door Prizes & Closing


JoEllen McCarthy is a lifelong learner, educator, and literacy specialist who spends her days teaching and learning alongside students, teachers, and administrators. As a Book Ambassador and member of the Educator Collaborative, she facilitates workshops, webinars, and collaborative coaching conversations on responsive practices, centering students as the most important aspect of any curriculum. She champions the power of read alouds and explores her vision for this work for teachers, families, and students in the book, Layers of Learning: Using Read Alouds to Connect Literacy and Caring Conversations. 


Growing Literacy in Oregon

The mission of the Oregon State Literacy Association is to be a driving force

for the development of literacy in our schools and communities

and to foster a lifelong love of reading. 

OSLA is an affiliate of the International Literacy Association


This is one of two 2023 winter conferences sponsored by OSLA. The 6-12 Virtual Conference will be held on February 24, 2023 with Lorena Germán. Attendees who sign up for both conferences can get a 50% discount on the second registration. When registering for the 2nd conference, use the following code on the payment page: 50off

  • K-8 Virtual Conference - OSLA Member Ticket


    Member Price

    This ticket will allow registrants who are members of OSLA to access the K-8 Virtual Conference on February 11, 2023 with JoEllen McCarthy.

    Buy Ticket
  • K-8 Virtual Conference - Non-Member Ticket


    Standard Price

    This ticket provides access to the K-8 Virtual Conference on February 11, 2023 with JoEllen McCarthy, as well as a one-year membership in the Oregon State Literacy Association.

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  • K-8 Virtual Conference - Retired Educators Ticket


    Standard Price

    This ticket will allow registrants who are retired educators to access the OSLA K-8 Virtual Conference on February 11, 2023 with JoEllen McCarthy. Membership is included. No additional discounts are allowed for Retired Educator tickets.

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  • K-8 Virtual Conference - Preservice Student Ticket


    Standard Price

    This ticket will allow registrants who are preservice students to access the OSLA K-8 Virtual Conference on February 11, 2023 with JoEllen McCarthy. Membership is included. No additional discounts are allowed for Preservice Student tickets.

    Buy Ticket
  • K-8 Virtual Conference - Speakers and OSLA Executive Board Members


    Member Price

    This ticket will allow Conference speakers and OSLA Board Members to access the OSLA K-8 Virtual Conference on February 11, 2023 with JoEllen McCarthy.

    Reserve Ticket