For the leaders initiating disaster relief efforts, we want to maximize your impact through collaboration and coordinated leadership. We invite you to a leadership roundtable discussion to share ideas, innovations, resources, and opportunities to ensure we're providing the best, most cohesive support to our LA families affected by the fires.
Join Dr. Quintus Jett, a Hurricane Katrina recovery and data expert, who's also an LA native and local philanthropist, in collaboration with the Pioneer Network, at a round table discussion about solutions. In the aftermath of the fires, families are still struggling to find and access resources that are available to them, and in some cases, there are plenty of options, but not enough boots on the ground support to ensure feasible transitions for these families.
Rather than operating in silos, we're presenting an option that empowers you to continue leading the way you lead, but do so with a Playbook of resources to share with the people you serve. With collaborating leaders, we'll identify all of the gaps, opportunities, networks, resources, and pathways towards rebuilding, together.
Dr. Jett and the Pioneer Network are committed to amplifying the leaders and their efforts, supporting collaboration and scalable solutions for our city. It will be time to rebuild infrastructure soon, and family properties are already being poached and taken advantage of. We could use every leaders support, no matter what your lane, industry, or product is, if you have a heart for your people, that's more than enough!!
We'll be discussing efforts related to:
Dr. Jett's approach to the Hurricane Katrina Gentilly Project
Facilitated by ODJ, this discussion will establish collaboration parameters.
Sharing a collaborative projects and communication format to continue the momentum.
Founder / CEO of On the Spot Production
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Founder/ CEO of ODJ Consulting Group, LLC
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Founder of Full Circle Creative Studio
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