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Save the dateJuly 21, 20229:00 AM - 10:00 AM (EDT) Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Gather Norfolk - Office Space and Coworking

East Main Street 500,
16th Floor
Norfolk, Virginia 23510

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Contact Person: Marcia Patterson
Event Details
Event Details
  • Network with Black BRAND members.
  • Enjoy a light breakfast.
  • Hear a business education presentation by Attorney Jennifer Lacey -

Topic: Protect Your Wealth, Your Decisions & Yourself

You are working hard to build your business and generate assets and wealth to provide for you and your family. This presentation will ask you to consider the following tough scenarios:

· Ensuring that all of your hard work will be used to provide for the people the way you want to when you are gone.

· Protecting your assets if you become unable to speak for yourself.

· Deciding your care if you become unable to speak for yourself?

  • Opportunity to receive Give-A-Ways!
Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners

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