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Mix Hat League 2022 男女混合分組聯賽 2022

Dates 日期

20/10, 22/10, 27/10, 29/10, 3/11, 5/11/2022 (Thursdays and Saturdays 逢星期四及六)

Time 時間:

Thursdays 逢星期四:21:00 - 22:30

Saturdays 逢星期六:15:00 - 18:00


Tai Hang Tung Recreation Ground 大坑東遊樂場

Price 費用:

HKD 100

Format 比賽形式: 5V5

對象 Target:


15 years old or above


Payment is only accepted via credit card. Please contact us if you cannot pay with a credit card.



  1. 參加者必須填寫姓名、電郵及聯絡電話
  2. 參加者必須提供英文全名(名字將印於證書上)

Please note the following point:

  1. Please fill in all the information about the participant (name, email, and contact no. )
  2. Please provide your full name in English (it will appear on the certificates )
  • Mix Hat League 2022 男女混合分組聯賽 2022

    HKD 100.-

    Dates 日期:
    20/10, 22/10, 27/10, 29/10, 3/11, 5/11 (Thursdays and Saturdays 逢星期四及六)

    Time 時間:
    Thursdays 逢星期四:21:00 - 22:30
    Saturdays 逢星期六:15:00 - 18:00

    Tai Hang Tung Recreation Ground 大坑東遊樂場

    Buy Ticket