
Monday, December 14, 2020 (17:00 - 18:20) GMT +06:30

Event Details

[Members Only]

It's Christmas season. To celebrate Christmas with our respected PE and VC colleagues just before we end this humble year of 2020, the MPE&VCA is hosting an annual networking occasion for the representatives of our members who are based in Yangon and Singapore.

We are honoured to invite you to be with us as we celebrate Christmas, the New Year and our friendship over the Christmas drinks that we will have delivered to your doorsteps in Yangon for a virtual toast and a physical reception in Singapore (venue TBC and subject to safe distancing arrangements and attendee numbers).

We will be proudly delivering a set of drinks from a portfolio company of our member investment firm to members currently located in Yangon.

Who can attend

Two representatives from each member firm are free to join our event on Zoom or the reception in Singapore. We will soon update you with the venue in Singapore.

Event Details

Date: 14 December 2020 (Monday)

Time: Starts at 5:00 PM (Myanmar time) / 6:30 PM (Singapore Time)

Platform: Zoom and a Physical location in Singapore

Fee: FOC for up to 2 persons per member organisation (40,000ks for third attendee)

How to join

Both the networking in Yangon and Singapore will happen at the same time. Attendees virtually joining from Yangon and physically attending in Singapore need to be online together using the Zoom link, which will be provided to you at a later date.

Members who are located outside Yangon and Singapore are encouraged to register and join our event virtually.

For those who will be in Yangon on the day of the event, please provide full details of the delivery address. Your drinks will be delivered to the address you mentioned and will arrive before the event starts at 5:00 PM MMT to be ready for a toast online with the rest of MPE&VCA members. We hope all of our members register to join.

Note: Entry is free for up to two representatives of each MPE&VCA member organization.

Please RSVP or register through our website for your attendance. For any changes in registration, please inform us at least 24 hours prior by emailing us at info@mpevca.org or call +95 9 428356069.
