Event Details

During this presentation, Eugene will be discussing the "Code of Ethics" and boundaries that all healthcare & mental healthcare providers are obligated to uphold.

An Event for Consumers/Community Members and Professionals

For $5.00 1.0 Ethics CE Credit will be awarded to Illinois nurses, social workers, professional counselors, and nursing home administrators.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Live Webinar Presentation
For 1.0 Ethics CE Credit/Certificate - an evaluation form must be completed after the presentation and return to Events@Elderwerks.org
111220 EVAL Roginsky EB.docxdownload
111220 EVAL Roginsky EB.pdfdownload


  • Eugene Roginsky (Director of Transitional Care & Education at LifeCare Home Health)

    Eugene Roginsky

    Director of Transitional Care & Education at LifeCare Home Health


    Eugene Roginsky is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and educator who has worked in many areas of mental health including In-patient psych, Intensive Outpatient Psych, and Outpatient psych, including the private sector since 1995. For the last 9 years he has been the Director of Transitional Care and Education for LifeCare Home Health and In-Home Care Services.

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111220 FLYER Ethics and Boundaries.pdfdownload
111220 EVAL Roginsky EB.docxdownload
111220 EVAL Roginsky EB.pdfdownload


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11/12/20 Navigating Through Ethics and Boundaries *Professional Ticket*

Webinar Presentation 12:00 PM

All professionals needing 1.0 Ethics CE CREDIT/CERTIFICATE Ticket

**To pay by credit card at a later date, please choose the "check" option when registering. This may be amended prior to the event to pay by credit card online.
*Access information will be emailed after payment has been made.

Standard Price $5
11/12/20 Navigating Through Ethics and Boundaries

Webinar Presentation 12:00 PM

This ticket is for those NOT NEEDING CE CREDIT and Consumers/Community Members ONLY

Standard Price Complimentary