Join us as we welcome our newest members, as well as catch up and chat with friends and network with other professionals in the ANZCHAM community!

The New Members Networking Night is a biannual event that provides a great networking opportunity for your company to meet our community of members and stakeholders, as well as the ANZCHAM Board of Directors. All ANZCHAM members and affiliates will be invited to attend and support in welcoming our new set of new members for 2023 at this event.


Connect with 100 people attending this event


  • ANZCHAM Members


    ANZCHAM Members in good standing are entitled to one (1) complimentary ticket. Tariff inclusive of food and two (2) drink stubs.

    Reserve Ticket
  • Additional for ANZCHAM Members


    In excess of their complimentary tickets. Tariff inclusive of food and two (2) drink stubs.

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-Members and Guests


    Tariff inclusive of food and two (2) drink stubs.

    Buy Ticket