
Nursing Excellence Awards, an esteemed recognition event dedicated to honoring the extraordinary contributions of the nursing community, is an important component of the 2nd Edition of the National Nursing Conclave. This year marks the second edition of our annual conference, and we are thrilled to introduce the very first edition of the Nursing Excellence Awards.

Our goal is to celebrate and appreciate the unwavering commitment, skill, and compassion demonstrated by nurses and individuals and organizations supporting the nursing community across all healthcare settings.       


Why Nominate:

Who Should Nominate:

Dates To Remember

Eligibility Criteria

Organizations must have a running unit in India during the review period (1st June - 30th Nov 2024) to be eligible for nomination.

Individual Candidates must be registered nurses with the country's Medical/Nurse Council and should be currently working as a nurse to apply for the Award.

Individual Candidates should have a valid nursing license.

Nomination Process

Organization Categories

Individual Categories

Nomination Review Process

Stage I: Jury Evaluation

Formation of Expert Jury: A panel of esteemed experts from various regions across the country will be carefully selected. Each member of the jury will possess extensive knowledge and experience in the field of nursing.

Assignment of Entries: The entries received for each award category will be distributed among the jury members based on their areas of expertise. This ensures that each entry is evaluated by experts who have a deep understanding of the specific category's criteria.

Evaluation Criteria: Clear and specific evaluation criteria will be provided for each award category. These criteria will align with the objectives and goals of the awards, emphasizing the key qualities and contributions that are being recognized.

Scoring Process: Jury members will individually evaluate and rate each entry against the criteria specified for their assigned category. They will provide detailed assessments of how well each entry aligns with the criteria.

Stage II: Calculation of Final Scores

Tallying Scores: After all the entries have been evaluated by the respective jury members, the scores will be tallied for each entry. This involves adding up the individual scores provided by each juror.

Percentage Score: To normalize the scores and ensure fair comparison across different categories, a percentage score will be calculated for each entry. This percentage score reflects how well an entry performed in relation to the maximum possible score in its category.

Unanimous Decision: To determine the award winner in each category, the jury will engage in deliberations. They will consider the percentage scores and engage in discussions to reach a unanimous decision. This process ensures that the winner is selected based on a consensus among the experts.

Announcement: Once a unanimous decision has been reached, the winners will be announced at the Nursing Excellence Awards 2024 ceremony, as part of the 2nd Edition of National Nursing Conclave & Awards 2024.

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Hyatt Regency Delhi
Ring Road
New Delhi, Delhi, India

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For additional event or venue information, please send an email to pinky.chahar@voiceofhealthcare.org