Please join us for our kick-off meeting for the 2025-2026 NAWIC year where we will dive into the dark web, cybersecurity threats impacting the construction industry, and learn how our speaker, James McGibney, has worked to fight cyberbullying and taking down revenge porn.
Grab your ticket, and bring a friend, you do not want to miss our speaker's riveting stories which he has shared with Dr. Phil and others after appearing on the Netflix docuseries The Most Hated Man on the Internet.
Executive Board:
Jolsna Thomas - President
Amy Rico - President-Elect
Sarah Houser-Keen - Vice President
Hope Piernick - Secretary
Erika Dumas - Treasurer
Cathy Schernik - Immediate Past-President
Board of Directors:
Linda Cudmore
Samantha Glasscock
Marci Kincheloe
Dacota Lamonde
Brylie Mutschink
Nicky Pessin
Leslie Puckett
Jessica Ramirez
Paige Raska
Aakriti Singh