Event Details

The October AARA Board of Directors Meeting is an opportunity for board members to come together to discuss past topics and plan for upcoming events.

If joining virtually, please find Zoom details below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 845 3543 4686

Passcode: 12345

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10:00 - 12:00
AARA October Board Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order2. Attendance3. Old Businessa. Updates:o Membership Updateso AARA Approved Inspector Credentials - Updateo AARA Training Program โ€“ Updateo Upcoming Holiday Galaโ€™sb. Other ol...
1. Call to order

2. Attendance

3. Old Business

a. Updates:

o Membership Updates

o AARA Approved Inspector Credentials - Update

o AARA Training Program – Update

o Upcoming Holiday Gala’s

b. Other old business?

4. New Business

a. Updates:

o AARA Board Elections

o 2024 AARA Calendar of Events

b. Other new business?

5. Next Meeting

6. Motion to Adjourn
view more



19 Street Northeast 1804
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

If you have any questions please contact Chelsea Broadbridge

Contact Organizer

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