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Championing the Human Advantage Through Effective Succession Planning Practices and Talent Mobility Strategies

Learning Session Description

Strategic succession planning programs when aligned with talent planning programs are effective business continuity programs. Robust talent development programs ensure that the organization grows as many leaders as needed to sustain its growth and development. Additionally, these programs ensure that talents grow and thrive in the organization despite the increasing complexity of work and rapid obsolescence of skills. Through aligning reskilling and retooling programs with workforce planning and succession planning, future-proofing employees ensure that there is talent mobility. Opportunities for promotion are made available for those who aspire for leadership roles. On the other hand, reskilling and retooling are made available for those who wish to develop emerging competencies despite not aspiring for promotion or when there limited opportunities to rise up the career ladder.


  1. Explain the importance of talent mobility through reskilling and upskilling talents as a path towards unlocking talents' potentials.
  2. Elaborate on the importance of succession planning programs both for leadership roles and for talent mobility along the technical track.
  3. Identify strategies and best practices in succession planning and promoting talent mobility for the purpose of future-proofing talents, amidst the rapid obsolescence of skills due to Al, automation, digitization and other technological innovations.
  4. Develop a roadmap to align succession planning programs with promoting talent mobility.



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