Tickets Seat at 4hr webinar (Oct) - Non Members This ticket includes: * Seat at the 4 hr webinar * Resources * Access to recording * 4 CPD points (applied for) BELOW PRICING EXCLUDES VAT
R 900 Seat at 4hr webinar (Oct) - TPA Members Ticket includes: * Seat at the 4 hr webinar * Resources * Access to recording * 4 CPD points (applied for) BELOW PRICING EXCLUDES VAT
Member Price R 800 Recording of 4hr webinar (Oct) - Non members Ticket includes: * Access to recording of webinar * Resources * 4 CPD points BELOW PRICING EXCLUDES VAT
R 600 Recording of 4hr webinar (Oct) - TPA Members Ticket includes: * Access to recording of webinar * Resources * 4 CPD points BELOW PRICING EXCLUDES VAT
Member Price R 550 Speakers Helen Roome Occupational Therapist & Lecturer Read Bio Event Details In this Saturday morning webinar, Helen Roome will recap the psychosocial factors that impact pain and functional recovery most. She will practically equip you with the evidence-based approaches - such as activity scheduling, graded exposure and pacing - to target them and keep the pain care plan on track.
Oct 7, 2023
08:00 - 12:00 GMT+2
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