Pro-Card Wealth Strategy Session Plan NOW for the Life you Dream of: Understanding Low-Risk Vehicles for Retirement Join Waitlist Register
Save the date August 24, 2023 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
Event Details A Quarterly Mastermind with Wealth Strategists and Career/CLIMB consultants to help build wealth, scale your business/career, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
Topic: Plan NOW (Retirement)
Pro-Card Members Only
*This event is virtual
Brandy Hubbard Executive Regional Marketing Director of American Classic Agency
Brandy Hubbard Executive Regional Marketing Director of American Classic Agency Brandy Hubbard joined the insurance industry 23 years ago. Born and raised in New York City, she was a legal assistant for many years prior to joining the insurance industry. After being frustrated with working long hours and not having quality time with her family, she decided she wanted to become a successful entrepreneur. Brandy quickly became a student of the business and worked hard to learn the insurance industry inside out. She was determined to be successful in helping as many families as possible protect their income, eliminate debt and create wealth. Due to her hard work, determination, and helping so many families, she quickly won ACA’s 6-Figure Income Ring. Her passion extended beyond helping families protect their assets. She also wanted to share the enormous benefits that come along with being a successful entrepreneur and quickly hit the ground running recruiting as many people as possible to join this amazing opportunity! Her present goals are: 1) She wants as many people in the U.S. to know that if you still have the OLD kind of life insurance, you absolutely need to upgrade to the NEW kind… ONE THAT ALLOWS YOU TO ACCESS THE DEATH BENEFIT WHILE YOU ARE STILL LIVING; 2) She wants as many people in the U.S. to know that there are products on the market that can show them how to get completely out-of-debt in 9 years or less, including their mortgage, student loans, credit cards, etc.; 3) She wants people to understand the MANY benefits of Life Insurance and how it’s NOT just to cover funeral expenses or replace income ---but it’s a viable vehicle that can help them CREATE GENERATIONAL WEALTH; AND… 4) Whoever is sick and tired of being sick and tired working a 9 to 5, OR whoever just wants to make an additional part-time income, she is encouraging them to highly consider partnering with her and her wonderful team to begin on a life-changing journey! Brandy is currently licensed in over 12 states.
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