In today's dynamic workplace environment, it's crucial for all team members to be equipped with the tools to recognise signs of distress in others and respond appropriately. Barrington Centre's accelerated Psychological First Aid (PFA) Program offers practical sessions and live group discussions, allowing participants to learn through interactive experiences and real-life scenarios.

The program is specifically designed for the Veterinary Industry and is hosted online to ensure the reach of the program is available for all.

Key Highlights of the PFA Program:

  • Educating participants on signs and behaviours to look out for in others.
  • Building confidence to know how to effectively respond when someone needs help.
  • Providing practical frameworks and strategies for delivering Psychological First Aid.
  • Increasing staff confidence to provide support during incidents.
  • Working through real-life veterinary scenarios to gain hands-on skills in supporting others within your team.

Moreover, our program encourages participants to identify their own strengths, enhancing their ability to cope with work challenges and stressors effectively. Additionally, we offer valuable advice on accessing professional help for those who may benefit from further support.

We believe that investing in the well-being and preparedness of your team members not only strengthens your organisation but also fosters a supportive and resilient workplace culture.

For further details, please see the Program Outline below.

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