The highly interactive and fast-moving Webinar will provide practical advice in developing and implementing a cost-effective digital supported international marketing strategy. The framework used will allow participants to evaluate their own organisation's digital dexterity benchmarked against accepted international best-practice in this area.
Webinar content will cover six key success factors in digital supported SME internationalisation:
'Shut Up and Listen' - the use of digital and social media channels for improving your knowledge and understanding of export market opportunities. 'Know your market, know your customer'. How to set-up a digital listening system to support your international growth. Use the knowledge gained to develop an agreed vision and strategy covering your involvement in international markets.
'Build your Digital Brand' - 'First Impressions Count': audit your existing digital footprint. What does your current online presence say about your brand? What does it say about you personally?
'Tell Your Story' - develop and implement a Content Marketing Plan to support international growth.
Engage and Build Relationships - 'Relationships Count': the proactive use of digital channels and social media to build a strong online network of relationships as the foundation for export success. LinkedIn Sales Navigator as an international marketing tool. 'Get Involved': participate in International Business Online Communities such as Connects. 'Prepare in Advance'; how to use digital and social media channels to support your participation in International Trade Missions: making the right connections before you go.
'Improve Efficiency and Competitiveness' - leverage the full potential of digital internally to automate key business processes, reduce costs, improve efficiency and productivity.
Monitor and Measure - measuring progress and business impact.
A live Chat Forum will be used during the session to maximise two-way engagement and interaction.
Is it time for a major rethink of our approach to SME export support in a constantly connected world?