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The 2-day Seminar focuses on the entire product lifecycle – product inception through launch & Management. Participants will learn best practices in product management & Planning that they can apply in their organization to improve the success rate of their products. This heightened understanding will allow the business to make informed decisions on how to deliver the expected value to customers and stakeholders and differentiate itself from competition.

What you will learn:

Day 1

  1. Strategy and planning
  2. Define your strategic objectives, understand your own value position
  3. Define your market
  4. Market size, market demand and market share
  5. Strategic market assessment
  6. Market attractiveness and competitive advantage
  7. Create or outsource, partner selection criteria, operational models
  8. Value creation and product feature selection
  9. Customer needs and key product features identification using Kano method
  10. Market segmentation
  11. Needs based market segmentation
  12. Competitor analysis
  13. Industry analysis, competitor analysis, competitive advantage

Day 2

  1. Concept development and ideas screening
  2. Idea and concept development, project screening and prioritization
  3. Feasibility study
  4. How to conduct a feasibility study
  5. High level project planning
  6. Project resources, project management
  7. Business case
  8. Business case structure and writing
  9. Financial analysis
  10. Detailed project financial analysis, cost factors, revenue factors
  11. Product pricing
  12. Value based product pricing
  13. Cost modelling and forecasting
  14. Cost model development and product forecasting


Naivasha, Kenya

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