Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects

The Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) is a non-profit organisation representing the Landscape Architectural professional in Singapore. It was established in 1985 to advance the science and art of Landscape Architecture and the theory and practice of landscape, environmental, and urban design; to promote research and education therein; and to create and maintain a high standard of professional qualification.

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Event Details

*** Submission of Entries 13 Sept 2019 ***

Under the key thrusts, SILA welcomes initiatives and collaborations with tertiary institutions, and works closely with them to continuously advance the learning and practice of landscape architecture. SILA believes in providing educational support to nurture the future leaders of the profession.

Therefore, the SILA Student Awards is organized with the following goals:

  • To spread awareness of the courses available in Singapore and in the region for the pursuit of landscape design and disciplines in related fields, so as to nurture the future leaders of the landscape architecture profession.
  • To publicly acknowledge the efforts and talents of future landscape practitioners from Singapore and regional institutions.
  • To create an environment which will encourage, raise exposure and sustain the creative spirit of young landscape practitioners and enhance standards of landscape architecture in Singapore and the region.
  • To establish strong ties between Singapore and regional institutions to promote networking and raise the profile of the landscape architecture profession.

The theme 'Beyond Just Green' epitomizes the intellectual rigor of the profession, inspiring creative design solutions within parameters determined by research and analysis. It aims to create awareness that landscape architecture goes beyond the 'green' norms of designing with plants and gardens.


Collaborators and interested institutions for the event include:

  • National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Singapore)
  • Singapore Polytechnic (Singapore)
  • Temasek Polytechnic (Singapore)
  • Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (Singapore)
  • Other institutions from Asia-Pacific region and other parts of the world.

Eligibility: Current students and fresh graduates in 2018 & 2019.

Registration Fee:

Polytechnic Category- SGD35

University Category- SGD35

(exclusive of 7% GST which is applicable)

Sponsors and Partners

Prizes and Criteria

SILA Student Awards 2019 will be awarded based on the division of two student groups (University Undergraduate/Masters Graduate students and Polytechnic Diploma Students),

with the following categories and judging criteria.


Best Design Showcase:

  • Clarity, convincing and meaningfulness of the design concept
  • Response to context
  • Clarity of technology used in achieving design ideas
  • Appropriateness in use of hardscape & softscape elements to achieve the design intent
  • Creative use of traditional and / or contemporary materials in the design and construction of landscape elements
  • Sensitivity to users
  • Feasibility of implementation of design Planting Design:
  • Emphasis on a well-integrated planting design scheme
  • Effectiveness of plant selection in reflecting the overall design scheme
  • Emphasis on usage of native varieties and sensitivity to biodiversity
  • Clarity in presentation techniques of the proposed planting scheme

Outstanding Graphic Presentation:

  • Emphasis on clarity of presentation layout in conveying the overall intent
  • Engaging graphics that hold the viewers' attention
  • Amount of information conveyed is well paced to the viewers
  • Unique presentation methods Outstanding Contextual Analysis and


  • Analytical approach in establishing background studies
  • Emphasis on the contextual investigation and analysis of the physical site factors, social fabric, historical and cultural influences, ecology and biodiversity
  • Clarity in the presentation of the analysis and investigations


Best Design Showcase Category:

Gold Award Cash S$450

Silver Award Cash S$300

Bronze Award Cash S$150

For each of the other categories:

Gold Award Cash S$300

Silver Award Cash S$200

Bronze Award Cash S$100

Submission Information

To be included in the final submission package:-

a) 2 no.s x A1 Size Boards (300 dpi) โ€“ Landscape format (In softcopy PDF format) Font size no smaller than 8 points.

b) All images & photos used in the 2 A1 boards compiled in one folder titled IMAGES and to be of hi-resolution (300 dpi).

(To be zipped into one document package labelled as IMAGES)

c) One image that represents your project : to be in 2 sizes in JPEG format for the publication

1. A5 size (300 dpi), landscape orientation;

2. 600mm x 600mm

d) A 100-word description (similar on the entry form) in word document format (.doc)

Maximum submission package to only be 50MB.

All entries to be submitted and uploaded onto the submission portal. 

Note that no names or any form of identification shall be shown on the front of the entry. Works are to be completed in the years 2018-2019. Incomplete submission may mean disqualification from the awards.

Overseas entry need not be a project located in Singapore. Projects can be sited in students' respective countries or a project done as part of their academic coursework.

Failure of compliance will result in disqualification.

Each participant is only permitted to submit a maximum of an individual entry and a team


There will be two rounds of judging, of which shortlisted and winning entries will be displayed during the prize ceremony and exhibition.



Harbourfront Walk 1

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

See route


Interested to support and invest in the future of Singapore's Landscape Architecture Profession?

Join us today as this year's Student Design Awards sponsor!  

See the sponsorship packages here
