New England Legal Foundation

The New England Legal Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public interest foundation whose mission is promoting public discourse on the proper role of free enterprise in our society and advancing free enterprise principles in the courtroom. Our ongoing mission is to champion individual economic liberties, traditional property rights, properly limited government, and balanced economic growth throughout our six state region.

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Event Details

Join NELF for a conversation with Justice Catherine Connors, Justice William Meade and appellate counsel Joshua Dunlap to discuss effective appellate litigation.

This free, one-hour online webinar will provide CLE credit for CT, NH, VT, RI and ME attorneys and will cover appellate advocacy, preparing persuasive briefs and oral arguments and the benefits of retaining appellate counsel.


Justice Catherine Connors (Maine Supreme Judicial Court)

Justice Catherine Connors

Maine Supreme Judicial Court

Joshua Dunlap (Appellate Counsel, Partner at Pierce Atwood LLP)

Joshua Dunlap

Appellate Counsel, Partner at Pierce Atwood LLP

Justice William Meade (Massachusetts Appeals Court)

Justice William Meade

Massachusetts Appeals Court