Enterprises are becoming increasingly global, with supply chains spanning geographical boundaries. To navigate the global marketplace, leaders need to know how to plan the most efficient use of material resources, as well as manage complex global networks and optimize service and quality. This course will draw on real issues confronting companies today to provide strategic frameworks for undertaking major decisions to increase competitive advantage.
The objective of the course is to enable practicing managers understand the strategic role of supply chains in building organizational competitiveness. The course will introduce various analytical tools and frameworks to enable managers to design and implement effective supply chain strategies. The course will benefit participants by providing an analytical view into the role of supply chains and help participants learn new approaches and techniques that can be implemented for effective supply chain management decisions.
Through interactive case discussions, assignments and experience sharing, the participants will be introduced to several elements of developing leading edge supply chain strategies and execution techniques. Participants will be provided with selected reading materials. The program will cover the following topics: