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"ADHD is like having a FERRARI engine as a brain with BICYCLE brakes. Strengthen the brakes and you'll have a CHAMPION" - Dr. Edward Hallowell, leading psychiatrist and ADHD advocate.

Children with ADHD are often described as challenging, defiant, impulsive, oppositional and attention seeking. However, such behaviours are signs that these children cannot handle their BIG emotions such as fear, anger and sadness. When they feel overwhelmed, these big emotions take over.

Self-regulation is the ability to remain calm, cope with big emotions, adapt, and respond appropriately to the environment. Children who are taught self-regulation strategies and techniques are better able to do well in school, with friends and at home. It helps children feel good about what they can handle and it helps children feel good about themselves.

We are pleased to have Mr. Alvin Chan, clinical director of KIDZ Occupational Therapy Consultants, discuss HOW to strengthen the brakes of the ADHD brain with an eclectic, holistic and evidenced based approach to self-regulation challenges.

Alvin is an occupational therapist with extensive experience in providing clinic, school and home based intervention for special needs and mainstream school children with various diagnoses including autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, attention deficit disorder, developmental delay, speech and language disorders, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and Down Syndrome.

More information about Alvin and Kidz Occupational Therapy Consultants can be accessed via their website http://kidz-potc.com.sg .


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