Summer Ultimate Age Group Tournament 飛盤分齡錦標賽
U16 Open Division 16歲以下組別
Dates 日期:16/9/2023
Time 時間:0900-1900
Venue地點:Po Kong Village Road Park Artificial Turf Pitch 蒲崗村道公園人造草地球場
Price 費用:$500/team
U20 Open Division 20歲以下組別
Dates 日期:30/9/2023
Time 時間:0900-1900
Venue地點:Po Kong Village Road Park Artificial Turf Pitch 蒲崗村道公園人造草地球場
Price 費用:$500/team
Format 形式:5 vs 5 ; No restrictions of gender ratios
Team Size隊員人數: Each team must have minimum 7 and maximum 20 participants 每隊最少7人,最多20人。
Payment Method 付款方式:
1.Bank transfer or cheque
2.Credit card (it will be processed in registration form)
Prospectuses and Name List章程及隊員名單:
⚠️Please carefully read the prospectuses before completing the registration form. Additionally, please upload the name list to the online registration form.
U16 Open Division 16歲以下組別
Dates 日期:16/9/2023
Time 時間:0900-1900
Venue地點:Po Kong Village Road Park Artificial Turf Pitch 蒲崗村道公園人造草地球場
Price 費用:$500/team
U20 Open Division 20歲以下組別
Dates 日期:30/9/2023
Time 時間:0900-1900
Venue地點:Po Kong Village Road Park Artificial Turf Pitch 蒲崗村道公園人造草地球場
Price 費用:$500/team