Event Details

Super & Insurance for Financial Counsellors: Tom Cobban Principal Berrill & Watson Lawyers 2 CPD Skills/ Tech

Understand more about superannuation withdrawals and insurance entitlements and claims and how they can benefit your clients and interreact with Centrelink payments. Opportunity to ask questions and improve your knowledge and skills in this important area.

Disclaimer: On applying to attend this training please be aware the information distributed has been prepared by an external provider and is merely for educational and information purposes. Please be aware whilst the FCAWA takes all care to avoid any issues on the content, this is no substitute for seeking professional independent advice.

The FCAWA does not financially benefit or have any commercial arrangements or financial agreements with any of these external training bodies.

Accordingly, the FCAWA will take no responsibility or indemnify any Financial Counsellors or services that seek to utilise these training providers/ companies as a future source referral for services with clients of their practice.


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