The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report provides new estimates on the chances of crossing the global warming level of 1.5°C in the next decade while reminding us of the urgency to take immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Now more than ever, there is a need for new leadership models, methods, and tools for implementing organizational change for sustainable development.
Businesses are in dire need of sustainable leadership to drive transformation, especially in relation to the climate change emergency. Sustainable leadership stresses on the creation of the present and future profits for an organization, in addition to enhancing the quality of life for all stakeholders. Sustainable leaders focus on capacity building, sustainable change and long-term results which make it imperative to pursue SDGs.
Designed for C-suite executives, board directors and senior managers, the Sustainable Business Transformation Leader programme helps embed sustainability into core business strategy and operations. It focuses on real business challenges to create positive sustainability impact and competitive advantage for business.
This info session will provide a detailed overview of the forthcoming course intake run by M3trix Academy in partnership with BCSD Malaysia. The 2021 programme will run for 8 weeks beginning 2nd November 2021.
The course is action-oriented and has been designed for practitioners. It is focused around real business challenges to create positive impact on environment and society, and simultaneously long-term success for the business.
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report was just released on August 9th. Now more than ever, businesses are in dire need of sustainability leadership to drive transformation, especially in relation to the climate change emergency.
The Sustainable Business Transformation Leader programme is designed for C-suite executives, board directors and senior managers. The programme helps embed sustainability into core business strategy and operations.
Here, we will provide an overview of the programme, including weekly themes and speakers.
Further details of the programme will be covered here, such as additional information or logistics (e.g. time, costs, and registration details)
We will wrap up with a Q&A session for any and all of your questions pertaining to the programme.