As if having ADHD isn't enough!!! COVID-19 has brought unprecedented changes and uncertainty and with it additional stresses and anxieties. During this webinar you will get a better understanding of stress, how you can recognize the symptoms and minimise its impact on you. We will discuss practical strategies applicable to work and family within the context of your ADHD, that will help you achieve a happier and better work-life balance.

This session is for adults with ADHD, 18 years old and above.


Dr Alefiya Nomanbhoy is founder of

She has a PhD in Learning Disabilities and a Masters' in Clinical Psychology. She practices as a Psychologist and Coach.

She has over 25 years experience working with families, children and adults with ADHD, Asperger (High Functioning Autism) and related learning difficulties such as Dyslexia.

She has a range of experience helping clients with anxiety, depression, behavior problems, parenting, transitioning to and managing university and work life.

Read more about her here




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    Note: This event is exclusive to persons with ADHD, aged 18 and up.

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    This event is exclusive to persons with ADHD, aged 18 and up.
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