Sunday, January 16, 2022 (13:00 - 13:30) (PST)
Tan Balance Team Meeting
Meghan’s Hosted Event
Things I've tried:
- created from Website using iPad
(1) Set-Up (Event Settings & Registration Settings)
- multiple ticket types
- early bird pricing
- creating a discount code
- discount codes can be limited by:
- date range (earlybird)
- # of tickets (aka 1st ten tickets)
- ticket type (ie: members vs cohorts)
- *** Do we need to charge CND Taxes? ***
- SEO words: Balance, Acupuncture, Tan Balance, Tan Academy
- Social Media sharing: FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, WeChat
- Added Jill as an Event Team Member
(2) Publish (content)
- Created a summary (this breakdown of steps)
- Added Speakers - Meghan & Jill
- Created a 2 part Agenda
- Reviewed our Sponsors & Partners - Nothing to add, TAB shows up as Organizer
- Created an Invite list
- Invited members individually
- to batch invite it looks like we need to make a contact *smart* list
- Ticket Types:
- TAB Hub Membership: aka Adam & I were invited using our gmail/hotmail accounts
- Tab Team: aka Jill, Suzanne, Dr Tan & I were invited using our Tan emails
(3) Promote
- Created an Invitation Campaign basic template (looks like we can get very creative as we get better)
- Event Updates Campaign created
- "Announcing special guest Dr Sonia Tan"
- Set to send to Registrants on Jan 8th automatically
- Task for event assigned to meghan - Add Dr Tan
- Advertisement
- selling advertisement space on tickets
- something we can look at later (Eastern Currents, Net of Knowledge, AcuFast, Others!?!)
(4) Manage
- Attendee List - auto-updated to include me as my TAN Email
- Badges - created a basic badge
- Onsite Tool Kit
- Finance
(5) Follow-Up
- Surveys - created a short survey for ticket type "TAB Hub Member" (aka Adam & I)
*** Counter Intuitive Last Step ***
(2) Publish (Layout& Design)
When trying to Publish after Reviewing all of the above:
- Had to add a host (Meghan)
- Had to override that "I wasn't a team member?!?"
- New ULR created:
- My Host ticket (set manually as a "Tab Team" - came though automatically as a registration
- Scheduled invites to be sent at 1pm Jan 4
- Not able to update "sender email" or DNS settings
My end of things
- reply emails - worked
- discount code - worked
(2) Publish (Content) - After publishing the event
- Changed event time (from 1:30 to 1pm)
- system auto updated agenda
- website auto updated
- google calendar updated automatically
- no auto emails sent to me (tickets held)
- confirm did the invite change? Adam confirmed No
- Confirm registration - did it update there?