Course Summary
Te Reo Maurea is a te reo Māori programme designed to help you normalise te reo Māori in the workplace and beyond.
Continuing the Visibility challenge and other work from the Te Kaa programme, Te Reo Maurea has been developed by our Te Kaa training team and will be run by CJ Gilbert, one of our Te Kaa Lead facilitators and an experienced te reo Māori teacher.
Te Reo Maurea will consist of 10 x 2-hour online sessions,
running from 2pm-4pm on the dates below:

See the Documents section below for a full course outline.
Note: Because this is a pilot programme, the topics and materials covered in each session may change; and we are looking for Te Kaa Amokura who are willing to give feedback after each session to help us refine and consolidate the programme.