Event Details

Right now, many parts of the country are under the strictest lockdown, and there is still uncertainty as to what the coming weeks and months would look like in terms of the number of cases and quarantine classification because of the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. As this happens, the country is still challenged by the difficulty in increasing the rate of testing, as well as procuring and administering vaccines faster than it currently happens.

This webinar at ANZCHAM's September Monthly Membership Meeting in partnership with Abbott would be able to shed light on the value of frequent testing in the workplace to ensure health safety protocols are met. Our speaker Dr. Mohan Ravuru will also discuss the importance of testing even after vaccination roll out, as well as information on the Covid-19 variants that is essential for the audience. He will also share the best practices being done in other Southeast Asian countries that the Philippines may be able to adopt.

Don't miss this important webinar this coming 14 September 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m. via Zoom. This event is FREE. Register now!


Mohan Ravuru is a physician researcher with over 15 years' experience in In-Vitro diagnostics industry. He has performed basic, clinical and translational research in Immunology, Infectious diseases and Molecular biology. As director of medical and scientific affairs for Abbott Rapid Diagnostics in Asia Pacific region he oversees the Infectious Diseases portfolio for Emerging Markets. Previously, he managed the donor blood screening portfolio for HIV, Hepatitis as well as emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases for Grifols. Earlier he served in a global medical affairs role with GSK Biologicals to support clinical development, launch and post-launch activities of vaccines for invasive pneumococcal and meningococcal infections worldwide. His first foray into industry was with Becton Dickinson research and development under Immunization division. Beyond the medical degree, he has a master's degree in Immunotherapy from National University of Singapore and a master's degree in Technology Management from University of Queensland, Australia. 


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