Join us for an engaging webinar that delves into the vital importance of preserving Hispanic/Latinx cultural heritage. Explore the rich tapestry of traditions, languages, art, and histories that make up the vibrant Hispanic/Latinx communities. Discover why safeguarding this cultural legacy is not just a matter of pride but a critical step in celebrating diversity and promoting cultural understanding.

Our expert speaker will shed light on the significance of this heritage preservation and how it contributes to a more inclusive and harmonious society. Whether you're a member of the Hispanic/Latinx community or someone eager to learn, this webinar is an opportunity to connect, learn, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Hispanic/Latinx culture. Don't miss it!


  • Lizette Watko (Executive Director of Diamante Arts & Cultural Center)

    Lizette Watko

    Executive Director of Diamante Arts & Cultural Center

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