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It is becoming increasingly clear that sleep plays an important role in maintaining health and well-being. Did you know that sleep keeps your brain healthy (okay, you probably did) but it is also vital for cardiac health, keeps the blood sugar steady, fights germs and plays an important role in weight control... it is even possible that an hour of extra sleep will take off those extra kilograms more effectively than that 10km run you had planned for tomorrow!

Why are we at the Train Pain Academy interested in sleep? Because sleep affects pain.

This is what the Swedish Pain Association says about sleep: "A restful night's sleep is one of the top priorities in solving your chronic pain... No major additional treatment decisions should be made until this goal is accomplished."


Dr. Dale Rae heads up the sleep research team at UCT. Romy, Bev and Jacqui recently spent an amazing hour discussing the physiology and medicine of sleep with her. Watch the interview and then join us in the first webinar of the year where we will discuss sleep in the context of pain and how we can apply sleep knowledge to our clinical settings.

Feb 1, 2021

19:00 - 20:00 GMT+2

Special Guest

  • Dr. Dale Rae (Director of Sleep Science at UCT)

    Dr. Dale Rae

    Director of Sleep Science at UCT

    Read Bio


The Myths and Medicine of Sleep (Webinar)

This ticket includes:
* Relevant article emailed to you
* Recorded interview with expert
* Seat at live Zoom discussion of topic
All prices are ex VAT

R 200


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