Topic: Mindset, Leadership, Inspirational, Wisdom, Creativity Live, Virtual, Hybrid

Kevin's mindset, executive and poll research informs him that the mindset needed in organisations now more than ever before is the Nomadic Mindset. What is this mindset? Kevin will uncover the nomadic mindset for you which is in its essence is the agility, adaptability and creativity of the 'movement of the mind' that observes seeds of opportunity in everything.

Humans have become too narrow, comfortable and complacent in their thinking and actions and if humanity, organisation and societies are to thrive, you must learn to explore, expand, emerge, experience and evolve which invites you to tap into your innate ancient nomadic mindset. This is your future-ready winning competitive edge.

Based on research of ancient nomadic wisdom along with modern leadership, this keynote inspires a fresh new path to leadership and organisations for the next evolution. You will go on an colourful, image and story packed journey as Kevin, weaves behaviours, qualities and actions to help you expand your mind, much needed to sustainably lead in a multi-generational disruptive VUCA fast-paced world.


  • Uncover the ancient secrets that drive humanity, an interconnected planet and sustainable high performance
  • Introduction to a fresh leadership perspective encouraging you to observe the seeds of opportunity are everywhere
  • Learn what is a nomadic mindset plus the builder and settler mindsets and the behaviours and qualities that typify them
  • Inspires you to newly examine your current business models and organisational systems that are undergoing change, remote work and mental health challenges
  • Develop big picture perspective inviting you to 'go nomading' within your organisation, industry, new territories and clients


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