Keynote: Evolving Marketing: From Past to Present

The session will focus on the evolution of marketing strategies over time, transitioning from traditional methods to the modern digital era. The speaker aims to discuss the concept of "unplugging" from conventional marketing practices and embracing innovative approaches that resonate with today's consumers. The objective is to provide insights aimed at bridging between classic marketing strategies and contemporary innovations, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively market their brands in today's dynamic landscape.

Panel Discussion: Timeless Marketing Principles in the Digital Age

The panel discussion is intended to be a thought-provoking and insightful conversation exploring the effective integration of traditional marketing principles into today's dynamic digital landscape. Expert panellists will share their perspectives and experiences in leveraging timeless marketing strategies amidst the fast-paced, technology-driven era. Attendees can expect to gain practical insights on blending traditional marketing fundamentals with modern digital tools, empowering them to create impactful and relevant brand experiences in the digital age.


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