Event Details
EuroCham Laos is pleased to announce that the next meeting of the Trade and Logistics Advocacy Working Group will be held on December 13 at EuroCham Laos office 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The purpose of this working group meeting is to discuss updates following our first meeting in respect to Thanaleng Dry Port and Parallel Trade. We will share updates, and discuss together on how to move forward tackling these issue and improve together the business environment.
The Trade and Logistics Advocacy Working group members will work together, under EuroCham Laos, to create a stronger unique voice towards Lao Government and private sector stakeholders.
Please note this meeting is restricted to ECCIL Members and only industry professionals within the scope of the working group. RSVP is required and attendance is subject to confirmation.
Participation is limited to 1 or max 2 people from each organization, with a representative who intends to conduct active discussion within the group.