Event Details

Train-the-Teacher: MakerSpace Tool Trainings

As part of Generator's MakerSchool Program we now offer Train-the-Teacher: MakerSpace Tool Trainings, professional development courses that address safety and maintenance operations, curriculum integration, and lesson planning to utilize makerspace tools. Trainings include: Laser Cutter, 3D Printer; Vinyl Cutter; Sewing; and Electronics. This learning series will be offered every Fall, Winter, and Spring for the next three years to ensure our MakerSchool partners receive the necessary training to build out, sustain, and enhance STEAM learning through maker education. Each training has 12 spots that will be made first available to educators at MakerSchools, and then opened up to Vermont educators as space allows.

Specific Training Description

This training will provide hands-on instruction in how to bring electronics (light, buttons, sound, and more) into classroom projects. Spruce up trifolds and projects, learn about battery and soldering safety, and explore simple units, materials and lessons for teaching electricity concepts.

  • Simple units for teaching electricity concepts
  • Batteries and safety
  • Art Projects
  • Sources for materials
  • Sources for lessons


  • Joe Chase

    Joe Chase

    Joe Chase is a national award winning educator with decades of experience teaching science, design, engineering, and robotics. Joe has coached robotics teams for more than 20 years and hopes to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and world class problem solvers.

    view more


Train The Teacher
Standard Price $175


40 Sears Ln

Sears Lane 40

If you have any questions please contact Paige Hurley

Contact Organizer


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