Ultimate League 極限飛盤新手聯賽
(Development League)
Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024
Time: 1900-2030
Venue: Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1 蒲崗村道公園
Team Fee: $1200
Individual Application Fee (Pick up Team - Individual participants): $100
⚠️ 非club team人士可以pick up team形式報名參加。
⚠️ Individuals who are not in a club team could sign up to join a pick up team.
⚠️ All fees are non-refundable. HKFDF will provide a full refund within 14 business days, if during the registration process, it is decided the event does not have enough participants needed to proceed.
⚠️ 所有已繳付之費用不設退款。若因活動報名人數不足,而需要取消該活動,全部款項將會於14個工作天内自動退回予付款帳戶內。
Team Composition:
Competition Format:
There will be four awards: champion, first runner-up, second runner-up, and best spirit.
Team Uniform - Each participant must bring one black and one white jersey.
General Provisions and Inquiries:
Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024
Time: 1900-2030
Venue:Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1
Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024
Time: 1900-2030
Venue:Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1