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Ultimate League 極限飛盤新手聯賽

(Development League)

Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024

Time: 1900-2030

Venue: Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1 蒲崗村道公園

Team Fee: $1200

Individual Application Fee (Pick up Team - Individual participants): $100

⚠️ 非club team人士可以pick up team形式報名參加。

⚠️ Individuals who are not in a club team could sign up to join a pick up team.

⚠️ All fees are non-refundable. HKFDF will provide a full refund within 14 business days, if during the registration process, it is decided the event does not have enough participants needed to proceed.

⚠️ 所有已繳付之費用不設退款。若因活動報名人數不足,而需要取消該活動,全部款項將會於14個工作天内自動退回予付款帳戶內。

Team Composition:

  • Submit registration forms online through individual or team registration methods.
  • The tournament officials will randomly assign individuals to teams.
  • Each team must have a minimum of 4 males and 4 females, with a maximum of 20 participants.
  • Each team can have at most one representative from the Hong Kong Ultimate National Team(18 years old above ) for both male and female participants.

Competition Format:

  • The competition will follow a round-robin format.
  • Each match will be 30 minutes without halftime.
  • Scoring: The winning team of each match will receive 1 point, and the losing team will receive 0 points.
  • If two or more teams have the same score in the standings, the ranking will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. Head-to-head points: The team with more head-to-head points will have a higher ranking.
  2. Head-to-head point differential: The team with a better point differential in head-to-head matches will have a higher ranking.
  3. Head-to-head total points scored: The team with more total points scored in head-to-head matches will have a higher ranking.
  4. Head-to-head point differential: The team with a better point differential in head-to-head matches will have a higher ranking.
  5. Head-to-head total points scored: The team with more total points scored in head-to-head matches will have a higher ranking.
  6. Head-to-head total points conceded: The team with fewer total points conceded in head-to-head matches will have a higher ranking.


  • Teams must gather at the venue 5 minutes before each match.
  • Except for special circumstances, substitutions are not allowed during the match, but players can be changed between each game.
  • Minimum number of players per team is five, and the male-to-female ratio should be decided by the team captains before each match. If a team has fewer players than the minimum requirement, the tournament officials have the right to cancel the match, and the opposing team will be declared the winner without objections.


There will be four awards: champion, first runner-up, second runner-up, and best spirit.

Team Uniform - Each participant must bring one black and one white jersey.

General Provisions and Inquiries:

  • The organizing committee has the right to publish the competition results and photos.
  • All information will be distributed via email. If participants have not received a confirmation email by October 30th or earlier, please contact the committee at 31884214 or email info.hkfdf@gmail.com for inquiries.
  • The organizing committee reserves the right to revise the regulations without prior notice.
  • There is no appeals process, and all match results will be based on the on-site scores.
  • In case of any disputes, the organizing committee has the final decision, and no objections will be accepted.
  • Maintain personal hygiene habits and collectively maintain a clean public space.
  • Other rules will follow the regulations set by the World Flying Disc Federation in 2021. For more details, please visit the World Flying Disc Federation website https://rules.wfdf.org/.







  • Club Team

    港幣 1,200

    Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024
    Time: 1900-2030
    Venue:Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1

  • Pick up Team (Individual participants)

    港幣 100.-

    Date: 8,15/11, 6,20/12/2023, 3,17/1, 7,17/2, 6,20/3/2024
    Time: 1900-2030
    Venue:Po Kong Village Artifical Turf Soccer Pitch No.1
