
Sunday, May 5, 2024 (7:00 PM - 8:30 PM) (CDT)

Event Details

Join fellow NAMA members for a comprehensive overview of Burn Morels, focusing on their Western-North-American appearances.

NAMA President Trent Blizzard has spent many years chasing and studying these mysterious, yet abundant and tasty critters; he will share his expertise on when, where and how they fruit in North America, including how to find them and how to obtain necessary permits to harvest them safely and legally.

Trent will provide an overview on how to use digital maps in order to ascertain forest types, tree species, topography (slope, elevation aspect), precipitation history, current snowpack, public vs. private land, United States Forest Service (USFS) closures, road motor vehicle use maps (MVUM), and other insider tips to help you decide when and where to go in search of these prized mushrooms.

8 PM Eastern | 7 PM Central | 6 PM Mountain | 5PM Pacific

Sunday May 5, 2024

FREE! This event is free and open to all

