Join the Train-the-Practitioner Programme to learn from experienced instructors how design thinking can address emerging challenges and improve skills needed for remote working – even online!
The course will provide participants with foundation knowledge and skills in design thinking, and from the perspectives of practitioners, cover practical applications on how to leverage design thinking in teams, process, products, services, organisations and people, and in tackling interdisciplinary and important problems in the real world, as demonstrated by a simulated project and interwoven with case studies.
Online training format will also enable participants to practice online collaboration and adopt online collaboration tools.
Target Participants
This programme admits 30 people on a first-come-first-served basis. This programme will be suitable for people across different industry sectors and with different functions, including but not limited to corporate strategy, business development, organisation management, talent development, digital transformation, product/service design, marketing, customer services/experience, stakeholder management etc.
Participants must also endeavour to collaborate with their teams and attend all sessions and tutorials in between to ensure continuity of their learning from group project.
Format and Language
All classes will be conducted online in English.
Admission Fee
Original price is HK$1,200, after government's subsidy of 60%, charge for each registrant for the whole course: HK$480.
Upon the completion of the online programme and fulfilment of a minimum 80% attendance requirement, a certificate (together with a souvenir from HKDC) will be presented to participants.
Discounted price will only be available from now till end of Sept 18. People registering on or after Sept 19 will have to pay full price for the workshop.
A confirmation email will be sent to registrants within a week after the admission deadline.
Oct 3, 2020 to Nov 14, 2020 GMT+8
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In addition to the above sessions, the online pedagogy will have an additional 1 hour online tutorial with facilitators for each group between sessions 2 and 3, as well as a 45 minutes session for each group between sessions 3 and 4, and two 1 hour check-ins. Participants are also expected to do individual exercise and group project outside of the above hours.
The dates of the check-in and tutorial sessions will be decided after the main session started.
Sponsor Disclaimer:
Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organiser only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.