Event Details
Membership Dues 2025
The Mid-Atlantic Association of Career Schools (MAACS) represents over 100 technical colleges and postsecondary career schools in several states located in Mid-Atlantic Region. MAACS provides a variety of member services including, but not limited to: Government relations, lobbying/advocacy, regulatory updates, professional development, networking, an annual conference, and more.
MAACS member schools are critical to workforce development, the economy, and daily life. They teach students in a wide scope of careers including traditional trades like welding, HVAC, electronics, carpentry, automotive repair, and more. They also teach a large variety of other careers like aviation maintenance, cosmetology and beauty fields, nursing and allied health, culinary arts, computers, and more. The graduates of MAACS schools literally keep the lights on, build your homes, keep planes in the air and cars running, take care of your loved ones at medical facilities, keep you looking good, and many other aspects of life.
Aaron Shenck