This is the Moroccan Chamber of Commerce in Singapore very first Annual General Meeting (AGM). Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the MorCham Singapore's 2020 AGM will be held virtually on Monday, 30th November from 6.30pm – 7.30pm. The Board is satisfied that a virtual meeting meets the requirements of our Constitution.
Please register by November 23, 2020 latest. Once you confirm your registration, we will send you all the log in details.
Corporate Members and Individual Premium Members are entitled to vote. Please note below the requirements if you cannot attend the virtual AGM:
All members are encouraged to attend this free event, which provides an official report of the year 2019/20 and the commencement of the incoming Board term for 2020/21.
The Zoom meeting and links and password will be sent to registered attendees separately. will be used for all participants to post questions ahead of the AGM.
30 to raise questions during the meeting ( A link to will be sent you you after registration.