Event Details

We welcome our RSAF Senior Members, Members and Plus Members to sign up for this exclusive members-only visit to Transport Safety Investigation Bureau (TSIB) on 12 September 2024.

The TSIB is the air, marine and rail accidents and incidents investigation authority in Singapore. Its mission is to promote transport safety through the conduct of independent investigations into air, marine and rail accidents and incidents.

The sole objective of TSIB's safety investigations is the prevention of transport accidents and incidents. The safety investigations do not seek to apportion blame or liability. Accordingly, TSIB reports should not be used to assign blame or determine liability.

Don't miss the chance to hear from our host on the interesting topics that will be shared:

- International Air Accident Investigation protocol

- Singapore investigation legislation

- TSIB air accident investigation process

- TSIB investigation equipment and capabilities

- Walk-about TSIB (including equipment room, teardown lab, flight recorder lab)

Date: Thursday, 12 September 2024 *new date*

Time: 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm

Address: Singapore Changi Airport

As there is limited capacity for this visit, please sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Should you be unable to attend after signing up, please let us know so that others on the waiting list can be given the opportunity.


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