Membership Selection

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Affiliate Membership
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
This membership is for individuals only

Select groups or associations whose function or purpose is the management or promotion of sports, entertainment and recreational facilities or related concerns.

Affiliate membership is $400/year.

Join Now!

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

The SMA Board voted to instate a three percent (3%)  Administrative Processing Fee for all credit card payments. If you wish to pay by check, the fee will be waived, please contact the SMA office ( for a revised invoice.

No person or entity shall be admitted to membership until the SMA Board of Directors has approved their membership application and their membership dues have been paid in full. New members may join the Association at any time during the calendar year by paying the full amount of dues applicable for their class of membership. Please note that no matter when dues are paid, the membership will expire June 30. Dues for all membership classes, except honorary, are payable annually. SMA operates on a fiscal year from July 1 - June 30. Dues are non-refundable and non-transferable.