This form is an Expression of Interest for the BBY Empowered Communities East Kimberley Joint Decision-Making (JDM) Community Panel feedback session.
Please complete EOIs and send to
What is the Joint Decision Making (JDM)?
- Joint decision-making brings together community panels to influence Government-funded programs in the region
- Community voice ensures investment is meeting the needs of our people on the ground
Why we need you Voice?
- You, your family, your friends & your community are the users of the programs
- You live in the area and you know what's important
- You play a role in how government interacts with community
What is the 'Community Panel'?
The community panel is a way for Empowered Communities East Kimberley to receive community input and feedback from the grass-roots level. As a participant, you will be asked to contribute to group discussion and be a part of providing group feedback on contracts set for review that are funded under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS).
You are not expected to provide technical analysis of the programs but provide feedback on community views on the programs or services. If you haev an interest, knowledge or lived experience across a variety of social, economic, family and cultural areas & want to participate in providing feedback on Government-funded programs and services in your community ... Register today!
Who is eligible to sit on the Panel?
Members of the public and community are encouraged to put in an Expression of Interest (EOI) to sit on the panel.
You are not eligible for the Community Panel if:
- If you are a member of the Local Management Committee (i.e. CEO or Chair of an Aboriginal Corporation that is a member of BBY).
- A Director of BBY
- An employee or volunteer directly involved in one of the programs being assessed
- A Director or Manager responsible for program oversight
The selected community panel group and unconflicted members of the LMC will join the community feedback session and to contribute to discussion.
Conflict of Interest
Community Panel members who have a direct interest in the contract under review (an employee or volunteer for the program, or a board member of the organisation) cannot participate. Indirect conflicts (such as a family member or friend who gains materially from the program) will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
How is the panel selected?
BBY (in its role as a neutral convenor) will select a panel of up to 10 people, giving preference to Aboriginal people who have a strong interest and/or knowledge of the contracts being assessed.
What will I have to do if I am selected for the panel?
- Have a preparatory catch up with the BBY team so they can support you to understand the process and the contracts being discussed.
- Attend half day panel briefing session.
- Attend the whole panel meeting (full day)
- Answer some questions together and discuss your views on the programs and local community
- Sign a participant agreement which includes a confidentiality deed, conflict of interest register, ethical guidelines and consent to be photographed.
What impact does my contribution have?
You will provide a voice from community about how the programs under review are perceived to be meeting local community needs. The collective feedback of the panel will inform the recommendations of the BBY Directors at the Regional Negotiation Table.
Who can I contact at Binarri-binyja yarrawoo for more information?
Christine Deng – Technical Advisor (Data and Evaluation)
T: (08) 9169 2272 l M: 0459 850 784 l E:
Natasha Storey - Community Engagement Leader
T: (08) 9169 2272 l M: 0428 108 777 l E: