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BuyLink Package 1 (for SBPA Members only)
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Mar 31st
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Package 1 for (500 to 2000 book listings) 

Buy Link is a new project by the Singapore Book Publishers Association to promote book sales.

In collaboration with the National Library Board of Singapore, and supported by Singapore Enterprise, a Buy Link button will be added to registered books on NLB's online public access catalogue, OPAC, which receives over one million visitors per month and reaches the target audience for book sellers. In addition to informing online viewers where the book is located for borrowing, the catalogue will then allow viewers to buy the physical books, check

Each Buy Link button will lead to a specific book page on the Buy Link website, which will go directly to publishers' e-commerce sites, to raise awareness of the book and increase book sales.

This service will be facilitated and supported by SBPA.

Application fee
Balance:$ 0