Membership Selection

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Recognized Practice - Category 1 - (1-10 Staff Members)
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Dec 31st
This membership includes 1 member slot(s)

Persons, who are in the categories of Fellow or Member, and also active directors of a Landscape Architecture private practice or head of a public sector's Landscape Architectural department, may apply for their company or department to be a Recognised Practice registered with SILA.

The nominated director must be an active full-time director of the company, and a resident in Singapore, and must be an active SILA Full member and accredited Landscape Architect. 

Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $800

1.    SILA reserves the right to decide on the appropriate membership category

2.    Cheque payment should be made out to Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects

3.    The membership fee for Recognised Practice is based on SILA financial period Jan 1st - Dec 31st

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

No refund is provided