Membership Selection

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Recognized Practice - Category 3 - (31 Staff Members & Above)
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Dec 31st
This membership includes 3 member slot(s)

Persons, who are in the categories of Fellow or Member, and also active directors of a Landscape Architecture private practice or head of a public sector's Landscape Architectural department, may apply for their company or department to be a Recognised Practice registered with SILA.

The nominated director must be an active full-time director of the company, and a resident in Singapore, and must be an active SILA Full member and accredited Landscape Architect. 

Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $4,000

1.    SILA reserves the right to decide on the appropriate membership category

2.  The membership fee for Recognised Practice is based on SILA financial period Jan 1st - Dec 31st

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

No refund is provided