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Request Received
Band Two - Small Enterprises - Government
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Mar 31st
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Band Two - Small Enterprises - Government

Small Enterprises > employ between 10 & 49 people with a turnover between 2,5 Million and 10 Million / Annum

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As a member of BPESA, I accept and fully agree to abide by this Code of conduct and pledge to do the following:

  • Supporting BPESA and its partners and the sector commitment towards goals established in the GBS Sector Masterplan to growing the employment of youth in South Africa, particularly, excluded youth in our employment practices, while committing to investment in local skills to continue to grow the sector talent pool at all levels, including diversity, but with key focus on the development of women, including earning ability.  
  • Implementing equitable and fair and transformative employment practices which support good governance and responsible corporate citizenship across the workplace, leaving room to implement whistleblowing where necessary.  
  • Support transparent and fair-practice recruitment and refrain from poaching staff and skills from competing organisations.
  • Make use of the National SA Youth platform for recruitment of unemployed youth.
  • Vigorously designing and upholding sector and internal policies, values and practices that stand against racism, gender-based violence and sexual harassment in the workplace.  
  • Complying to the GBS sector's regulations such as GDPR, POPIA and other data acts as relevant for the geographies in which we operate, while ensuring that robust infrastructure, utilities, transport and best practice disaster recovery plans are in place to ensure continuity of business and observing data security to avoid customer data breaches within our company and the industry.   
  • Sharing relevant, accurate data and information with BPESA, the dtic and Harambee to enable the sector to report quarterly and build greater insights into the effectiveness of the GBS Sector Masterplan and the BPESA strategies; in full compliance with POPIA. 
  • Staying abreast with advancements in the introduction of technology, process and people enhancements to improve service levels and the provision of superior value-added services to our clients - In order to retain our position in the global arena.  
  • Growing SMME's through supporting those in our supply chain network (security, cleaning, canteens, transport, IT outsourcing as examples), this includes small businesses competing in the sector, ensuring diversified growth through support and mentorship and where possible supporting our pilot Enterprise development Fund to achieve transformative growth within our sector 
  • Eliminating corruption by raising awareness and conducting business with integrity and reporting unlawful business practices accordingly.  
  • Finally, upholding the laws of South Africa in all aspects and operating an ethical business and participating in the sector with integrity. 
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All membership applications will be vetted prior to acceptance. BPESA retains the right of refusal. Membership access and benefits will be activated upon receipt of payment