Membership Selection

Application Details

Application Fee Payment Details

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Application Fee
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jul 31st
Prorated Price
This membership is for individuals only

This class of membership is intended to provide recognition to persons who have achieved certain minimum levels of knowledge and understanding of the financial markets by having passed certain examinations required to fulfil particular functions in the financial markets and shall be available, upon payment of an initial and annual membership fee, to any person โ€“

  • who has relevant experience (minimum of 6 months)
  • who applies for full membership by completing his or her details online or if not possible, by supplying his or her details to the Institute to enter on his or her behalf and indicate his or her willingness to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Institute electronically or by signing a document supplied by the Institute; and
  • who has passed โ€“
  • a minimum of three modules of the Registered Persons Examinations or any other examination or qualification deemed equivalent or superior by the Board of Governors; or
  • a minimum of three modules of the Strate Compliance Officers Examinations; or
  • any one of the following examinations that qualifies a candidate to be licenced or authorised to exercise certain functions in the financial market industry:
  • JSE Equity Settlement Officer Examination
  • JSE Bonds Settlement Officer Examination
  • JSE Equity Compliance Officer Examination
  • JSE Derivatives Compliance Officer Examination
  • JSE Registered Traders Examination
  • Strate Equities Settlement Officers
  • Strate Bonds Settlement Officers
  • Strate Money Market Settlement Officers examination
  • Maintenance of membership
  • Annual subscription: A full member shall maintain his or her membership by paying a subscription fee of R906-00 (VAT inclusive) annually in advance for the year 1 August to 31 July.
  • Continued professional development (CPD): A member shall comply with the Institute's CPD requirements in terms of the Institute's CPD policy to maintain the status of full membership. Please click here to view the CPD policy.


A full member shall be entitled to using the appellation MIFM after his or her name, on condition that:

  • the member's subscription is up to date or arrangements have been made for payment thereof with the Institute. Should payment not be received by the Institute within three months of the commencement of the subscription year, a member's status shall revert to affiliate membership;
  • the member complies with the Institute's CPD requirements; and
  • the member has not been suspended or expelled in terms of the Charter for contravening the Institute's Charter or Code of Conduct.

Benefits of full membership

A full member shall be entitled to the following membership benefits:

  • making use of the Institute's examinations
  • participating in training workshops for general financial markets education with the appropriate discount relevant to this class of membership
  • attending conferences with the appropriate discount relevant to this class of membership
  • receiving the Institute's online magazine, advertisements for positions in the financial markets and any other newsletters that the Institute may issue
  • participating in any other activities that the Institute may offer to further its main objectives, including continued professional development (CPD) initiatives
  • attending and voting at the annual general meeting.

To apply for Full membership of SAIFM, please download and complete the application form and send it back accompanied by a comprehensive CV to Susan Jansen van Rensburg and Hayley Pfeifer. SAIFM will then issue you with an invoice which will include the non-refundable application fee of R172-50 (Inclusive of VAT) as well as the fee for the remainder of the membership year according to a sliding scale, depending on the date of application. Upon receipt of proof of payment, the application will be submitted for approval.

R 0
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy