Membership Selection

Application Details

Payment Details

Request Received
Select a currency
Unit PriceTotal
Total   %
Individual Gold
This is a 18 months membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
This membership is for individuals only
Individual Gold
This is a 18 months membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
This membership is for individuals only
Application fee
Application fee
Select Duration
RMB 700 / 18 months
RMB 700
save 5%
RMB 665 / 18 months
RMB 1 330
€1 000 / 18 months
€1 000
save 5%
€950 / 18 months
€1 900
Balance:$ 0

Duration Discount

This discount is only valid for this application or renewal, and does not mean that it will be valid on your next application or renewal.

Membership Refund Policy

Refund Policy: No refunds allowed.

Please note all the payment must be made in local currency with the exchange rate on the day of the payment.